blog away - a blog exhibition? 
Karl Nyberg - the second half of Sarts - A Critical Point of View pointed out in his more or less last post in their blog project is that the project was ment to be a low-tech, or rather low prestige (as in no prominence and importance). The debates on the blog have becommed more and more serious and this makes me think:
what is a blog for the contemporary art world? - do you really want a blog to be seen? if not, then why put your thoughts online?
but it seems that many uses the publishing tools that the blog's can offer to do certain projects and that is acctually interesting. I would like to do a blog-project.
not so much into contemporary art is tryign to understand net-art, or make net art do bad contemporary art (a interview I did with him, Anton Vidokle of e-flux, pointed out to me that a lot of net art is not very interesting - and what they did - and are doing at e-flux is relating to other subjects but on the net ).
also the german Kunst Blog is using these tools to do something else (more or less a magazine for texts on art).

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