frieze announces international art writer's prize 

from e-flux:
frieze announces international art writer's prize

frieze magazine is launching an art writer's prize to discover and promote new art critics.

Entrants must submit one 700 word review of a recent contemporary art exhibition. Entries must be submitted in English, but it may be a translation (this must be acknowledged). Entrants must be over 18 years old.

The entrant must not previously have had any writing published in any national or regional newspaper or magazine, with the exception of student publications.

The winning entrant will be commissioned to write a review for the October issue of frieze and be awarded £2000 at an event during Frieze Art Fair 2006.

Closing date is: 3 July 2006
Entries should either be sent to
Frieze Writer’s Prize 5-9 Hatton Wall London EC1N 8HX
or emailed as a word attachment to

The judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding individual entries.
great: I might just have found a reason to write about that video exhibition and the GDR section of it at the Museum der Bildende Künste in Leipzig after all.

I do not qualify

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installation views Jan Christensen 

From Power:

Jan has left the walls to build installations!
His piece that he has done in different
versions "Painting Myself Into a Corner"
has now become a complete sculptural

Fifteen smaller wallpaintings are mounted as billboards. he billboards are in your way, making it impossible to see what's behind them. They also look like stage settings. Intricate. Delicate. Neat. Some of it even political(!). Quite interesting. And very nice to hear Jan talk about it all.

All photos:
Power Ekroth

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Momeuntum 06 
One of the longest living spin off*s from the so-called Nordic miracle, the biennial Momentum, Moss - Norway will this year be seen for the fourth time since 1998.

Back then it was Swede, present Direcor of Städelschule in Frankfurt, Daniel Birnbaum, Independent Dane Lars Bang Larsen and Norse gallerist Atle Gerhardsen that speculated in calling it "Momentum - top of the pop". Luckily they decided not to. But it was a biennial with almost every high-flying Scandinavian artist included (Elmgreen & Dragset, Olafur Eliasson, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Vibeke Tandberg, A.K. Dolven etc.). The second one, in 2000, tried to follow the same recipe - but could not bring out the same amount of high-flying curators and artists. The third, in 2004, promised to take the Nordic term beyond the geographical boarders, but failed.

The two curators of this years biennial Annette Kierulf and Mark Sladen have chosen a not so Scandinavian list of artists:

Endre Aalrust & Thomas Kilpper (NO & DE)
Lara Almarcegui (ES/NL)
Johanna Billing (SE)
Gerard Byrne (IR)
Phil Collins (UK)
Copenhagen Free University (DK)
Kajsa Dahlberg (SE)
Edvard Gran (NO)
Tue Greenfort (DK)
Jeppe Hein (DK)
Knut Henrik Henriksen (N)
Sergej Jensen (DK)
Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (FI)
Ragnar Kjartansson (IS)
Joachim Koester (DK)
Juozas Laivys (LT)
Camilla Løw (NO)
Talleiv Taro Manum (NO)
Michaela Meise (DE)
Rosalind Nashashibi (UK)
Romantic Geographic Society (FI/DE)
Egill Sæbjörnsson (IS)
Michael Sailstorfer (DE)
Lucy Skaer (UK)
Joanne Tatham & Tom O'Sullivan (UK)
Mark Titchner (UK)
Sue Tompkins (UK)
Lars Vilks (SE)

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exit basel... 
and enter Kunsthaus Baselland. They are showing Jan Christensen's exhibition Forward Momentum and I should have been there. The biggest solo show of Jan up to date.

Jan also got a homepage:

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The Munch Robberies 
Three out of total six was acquitted. I haven't followed the trial that close - but at he beginning the police and the prosecutors was 100% that all six were going to be sentenced.
The so-called master mind, Bjørn Hoen, was sentenced to seven years, altough he claimed being playing chess against Norwegian chess wonder Magnus Carlsen one of the days before the bold daylight robbery.
I just found this sort of funny because just one and a half month ago the end of the NOKAS (Norwegian Cash Service) trial Mastermind and according to the tabloid papers in Norway a devoted chess player at early age, David Toska was Sentenced to 19 years of prison.
I cannot remember how, but there are a link between the men involved both robberies.

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