Art Criticism in Norway 
I think that the art criticism of norway has seen better days. Even though there are an inflation of criticts – and there have never been more magazines (Billedkunst as a major news magazine with criticism, the online focusing on weekly criticism from domestic as well as abroad exhibitions and the magazine Kunst focusing on texts on exhibitions as well as shorter artist presentations) there is a decline or in quality – or maybe; not enough development according to the rising demands of the world of art.
Another thing is that there seems to be no own scene in any city besides Oslo although there might be art going on there. Now I know that this is not really true, there are some writing about art in Bergen and even in Stavanger, but they do not have an own try to publish, and no one reads it.
This is to bad, Both Stavanger and Bergen as well as maybe Trondheim should have their own magazine, if not permanently then just something that defines a generation of artist and art critics as well as curators in one town.

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Green and ArtForum 
Tyler Green is again attacking, or rather questioning the integrety of those writing for ArtForum when he - and rightfully so - concludes that Jack Bankowsky should not have written a piece about art fairs for the magazine due to personal relationship with one of the founders of The Armory Show in NY.

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