Green and ArtForum 
Tyler Green is again attacking, or rather questioning the integrety of those writing for ArtForum when he - and rightfully so - concludes that Jack Bankowsky should not have written a piece about art fairs for the magazine due to personal relationship with one of the founders of The Armory Show in NY.

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King's Quest VIII - Mask of Eternity 
Finished playing KQ8 today. I got it at my local libary here in Leipzig - which is greatI

But for the game I am not so thrilled - am only used to the old type of sierra adventures where typing in what one wants to say or to be done - and I have played one Space Quest as they became mouse click based - but KQ8 is from '99 and it is more like a shoot them up game where one have to move things and can click on things and rund and jump back wards just like Laura Croft - not KQ as I remember it. Although there where some good ridles it came out to easy. I set the fighting to easy so that I didn't have to waste time on fighting monsters since what I wanted was to solve puzzles and riddles.

But the music was great, really great. It did build up the mood alot and helped the game through some more tricky part like the swamp - although being maybe the most boring place in terms of adventure game it had such a massive atmoshere due to the music that I was feeling unconfortable the first 15 minutes. Briliant composed and very good sound effects.
I do remember having the same creepy feeling playing third level of the first laura croft - the music building up before the dinosaure came - I was afraid and loved it. This was around '95 I think - so it is a good decade. I did play through laura croft again just some month ago and it was rather boring. The first thrill is the deepest.

But back to KQ8; it was boring boring boring. The libary had Hero Quest V as well, but my computer would open it and I have to return it today - maybe another time then.

But I would like to go through the whole KQ-series as they looked like before they redesigned it and made it into click and play games. That goes for the Space Quest as well as the Quest for Glory series as well. But I cannot find anyone who is selling them, and since they are still copy right protected it is impossible to get them at abandownware sites - BUT Amazon has the KQ and SQ AND the Leisure Suit Larry as compalitions now for sale for only $17.99. That is cheap, but not what I want.

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back again 
changed address for this blog from to - and in doing so we (me and aksel, the guy setting up this site) didn't have accsess to the site anymore, and it took about 3,5 months before the company that is administrating this could give us access again. But I am now back. on track.

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gamez, abandonwarez etc. 
Pris: Must get lonely here, J.F.
J.F. Sebastian: Not really. I MAKE friends. They're toys. My friends are toys.
I make them. It's a hobby. I'm a genetic designer.

Blade Runner

Nå når jeg har en fin ny computer har jeg prøvd å ta ned noen av de spillene jeg var hektet på i min siste game-periode (sånn på begynnelsen av nittitallet). Sierra var selvfølgelig favoritten min, men spillene deres viser seg å være veldig vanskelig å få tak i - på lovlig måte. Det er ingen problemer å gjøre dette ulovlig.

når jeg prøver å laste ned Codename: Iceman fra Sierra fra Flashback-aw får jeg denne beskjeden (som de i sin tid fikk fra IDSA - Interactive Digital Software Association)
"The IDSA works with US and foreign government officials toward the enactment, implementation and enforcement of laws that protect members' intellectual property rights."
This is the definition direct from the IDSA website. Basically, this is why we cannot offer any games from publishers whose rights are protected by the IDSA. Every now and then, the IDSA sends out warnings to sites and this is the reason for such action being taken - instead of removing the game's valuable information, the download link is removed instead. If you want to try and get access to this game, try contacting the copyright holder. If you have no luck through that avenue, you can also try Ebay. One last thing, if you do decide to contact the IDSA in regards to old software, remember to be courteous and don't flame them as personal anger just makes the whole scene look bad.

Dette virker som en krigserklæring, og det er vanskelig å unngå å tenke på den når man er ansvarlig for nettsider

heldigvis er det en rekke andre sider, og ikke minst en rekke andre spill, som jeg kan laste ned. Dette gjør at jeg kom unna denne kvelden men ikke mindre en 10 spill som jeg ikke har spilt på de siste ti-femten årenen. Noen av dem var noen tidligere sierraspill, Eye of the Beholder og ikke minst den noe obskure fuck quest (som da er en noe mindre tilsløret måte å lage spill om å få seg enn Leisure Suit Larry).

Det kommer ikke til å bli noe søvn på meg i natt, men nå vet jeg at jeg har spill for et lite halvår fremover.

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There are some things I am thinking about... 
right now - and that is writing about the Tom Sandberg exhibition in [ur=]The Festival of North Norway 2005[/url]. I loved the exhibition he had at A/F Museum in Oslo in 2000 and I have for a rather long time wanted to write about him. Now, I am in northern Norway at the same time as he is going to exhibit here. And at the same time another figure from the high modernism in norwegian photography, Arnt Sneve, are having an exhibition in a local gallery here in Lofoten. He published a book with the same name [Lofoten] back in 1988 - and I love this book and now the actuall prints are on display.

Otherwise it is hard to write for the time being and this blog is killing my time.

"noen ser veldig fint på det, noen ser grovt på det. det kommer ann på øyet som ser. Kanskje på syttitallet måtte man se grovt på det?" geir andersen.

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