Going to Copenhagen. Haven't been there in almost three years and I am looking very much forward to see some art there again. The reason is Art Copenhagen and the alternative fair ...copenhagen alternative art fair. This first now naming themselves the Nordic Art Fair, and the latter having it first time around this weekend. Except from CirculationsCentralen from Malmö and magazine Pist Protta founded in 1981 and run by Jesper Fabricius - I see no particular interesting participants. We'll see.
Also, to read about the Danish art scene, Kopenhagen is the best medium. Written in Danish.

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Christiane Rekade about Jan Christensen in latest Flash art (hope they don't institute proceedings against me) 
I can imagen Jan being happy about mentioned in Flash Art for the second time in two issues. Also, Jan have a tendensy to get a hard on from thinking about different layers of references, so I can understand that he will be happy about the name dropping of Franz Ackermann and Michel Majerus at the same time.

I will not publish an image of the text, I do not want Flash Art to sue me.

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the turner prize 
The difference between Europe and America is rather large, I know that much, and that some artist that they "over there" find essential might in my view be provinsial or boring. But without being arrrogant, I thought that Simon Starling, the winne of this years Turner Prize, was at least a known name by art geeks in the States. After all, Daniel Birnbaum wrote a text on him in Artforum just one year ago (might need a )bugmenot to enter site). And after all, he was nominated for the last Hugo Boss Prize (won by Rirkrit Tirivanija, 2004).

I might be overreacting on a innocent "Simon Starling (who?)" "Simon Starling (who?)", but it did sound sort of strange that Starling in not known by Gibson. I might be mistaken.

read: Charlotte Higgins account on the winner in the Guradian.

paperholic has a few other links, among them to a streaming interview with Starling

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more chess pieces 
As suprise player of the Word Chess Cup 2005 played 0,5-0,5 against Bareev I found some more pieces of art-chess here in germany (surrealist related of course):
Takako Saito did several works, here is pictures of two of them:

- Liqour Chess from 1975
- Spice Chess from 1966

he also got a perfume chess, and I do know it is in the collection of Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, but I cannot find a picture of it. The same goes for his Sound Chess from 1977/78.

In my search trough the net I also found this exhibition in London in 2003.

read the the slightly boring critic of the show written by Ian Douglas in TheTelegraph, or the preferable
Steven Poole piece in The Guardian .

I think I will stop with the chess search for now, it is 01:33 am GMT+1and I should be finishing a text on that norwegian gallery that is not going to close down after all.

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Gran Masters of art 
I came over the excellent blog Grammar.police as I was doing my blog-blog for the Norwegian art critic journal It is run by Kriston Capp, who is now writing a blog for Smithsonian American Art Museum named Eye Level.

One of the first entries is about Ben Davies great review about the chess exhibition at the Noguchi Museum.

Since Capp made an extended list and asked readers to extend it, so I would like to add:

- Arnold Schönberg

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