the thing 
the thing has their own blogs, and this entry is good

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Tyler Green vs. 
MAN is stil bugging artforum. Here is the third chapter.

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Exhibitions in Leipzig worth seeing 
thats easy; there are only two of them:
Tina Schulz at GfZK and the group exhibition From Brooklyn at Dogenhaus Galerie. It looks like the Director, Jochen Hempel is more at home in his new, industrial, 300sqm, space. Of the three exhibitions that have been so far I have only seen two and both has museums quality over them.

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Re-reading part of my own blog I am aware of the fact that spending most my time in Leipzig, I write most about Oslo - and rest of Norway. Now, I am Norwegian and most of my friends etc. are in Oslo, so it is maybe not so strange. Another thing is that compared to Oslo, Leipzig is a boring place to live and to think art in. Although the same size there is nothing that is similar. Where Oslo is a medium small city when it comes to art galleries and a medium large city when it comes to number of museums - not to mention that the magazines two magazines that I write for the most are based in Oslo (those are: Billedkunst, that I am a part of the editorial board of and and discussing Norwegian reality.
even though, I am Leipzig correspondant for the Spanish magazine (here is a link to the release of the third issue on e-flux) and so-called city editor for Contemporary Magazine.

I think this just underline the fact that I am Norwegian and interested in Norwegian reality.

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Zurich er 
liten, ca. 350.000 innbyggere.
multinasjonal og multinspråklig. Med det siste mener jeg ikke nødvendigvis at mennesker fra flere forskjellige nasjoner bor der bare det at man i sveits nødvendigvis snakker tysk, fransk, kanskje italiensk og veldig ofte bedre engelsk enn en gjennomsnittilig nordmann.

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